The average house price on OAKFIELD MEWS is £259,684
The most expensive house in the street is 3 OAKFIELD MEWS with an estimated value of £287,678
The cheapest house in the street is 1 OAKFIELD MEWS with an estimated value of £223,966
The house which was most recently sold was 7 OAKFIELD MEWS, this sold on 9 Jun 2017 for £187,500
The postcode for OAKFIELD MEWS is SK3 8SS
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 OAKFIELD MEWS Terraced , 68 m2 £223,966 £148,500 29 Oct 2014
3 OAKFIELD MEWS Terraced £287,678 £146,500 5 Jul 2004
6 OAKFIELD MEWS Terraced , 77 m2 £263,331 £87,500 19 Apr 2002
7 OAKFIELD MEWS Terraced , 85 m2 £242,014 £187,500 9 Jun 2017
9 OAKFIELD MEWS Terraced £281,431 £59,000 21 Apr 1998